Hi everyone I am in need of some help. I'm a 1st time grower and I think I'm having some issues. Its been 21 days since sprout and 2 of my plants are beginning to point upwards and one of them seems to be growing more out then up. I've maintained the temp around 78° F & around 80% humidity and have also made sure they are being watered. My water schedule isn't the best though. I'm also starting to worry that my plants are pretty small compared to others that I've seen. I have some pics but don't think they are the best. If yall need better ones let me know and I will get better quality ones. Thanks in advance everyone I really appreciate the help.

They look very nice. Mr Grow will know better than me but I believe with a hybrid, if the indica is showing dominance, the plant will be wider with fatter leaves.
Your plants look fine to me. But can you take pictures in normal lighting? We can't see the true color of the leaves.
What strain are you growing? Have you topped yet?