@gabrielp685 That was when I was making an aerated compost tea. That's done to prevent anaerobic bacteria. Were you brewing a tea or just putting it in water?
@Mr. Grow It my apologies for the late reply. I just put it in the water for fun. Thanks for all your videos. You are making a big difference in many peoples lives. Thanks for the
I have to adjust my ph every time I water im on a well mine usually is about 5.50 and I have to add ph up about 1ml per gallon every time I water im still new but I believe in the 8.0 area is way to high my friend
I shoot for 6.8 its hard to get right on the money but I have to add ph up every time I water my friend
Bubbling the water? Are you trying to get rid of chlorine or what?
I have to adjust my ph every time I water im on a well mine usually is about 5.50 and I have to add ph up about 1ml per gallon every time I water im still new but I believe in the 8.0 area is way to high my friend