Potentially over-watered. If you initially saturated the soil when planting, it will take at least 5 days before it needs to be watered again. Lightly spraying the top of the medium once a day should be sufficient - if the top of the medium is dry. I hope it's not an over-watering issue because when they are that young it can take them awhile to recover; many growers just start fresh since a new seedling will mostly likely outgrow the stunted one.
Potentially over-watered. If you initially saturated the soil when planting, it will take at least 5 days before it needs to be watered again. Lightly spraying the top of the medium once a day should be sufficient - if the top of the medium is dry. I hope it's not an over-watering issue because when they are that young it can take them awhile to recover; many growers just start fresh since a new seedling will mostly likely outgrow the stunted one.