I do not like hangers very much personally. I have used bending clips also but they aren't any better. I cut some hog wire and folded it over to create slightly smaller holes. Weave the plants in and then tied a string on one side, looped it around the bottom 2 branches, and tied the other side. I can turn it upside down now and it won't budge.
I was trying to slow these plants down a bit because I'm waiting to free up my flower tent. I ended up with 2 plants that have 20+ main tops from all the topping and 2 with like 12. Still have 2 weeks left. All that light green is growth from the last 24 hours. Nothing wrong with it.
I think I will be doing this more often. I also like that I have a tie down screen for later if things get wonky in flower. Thanks for checking it out.

Looking good @Cam Z ! I'm curious to know how those single plant trellis nets work out for you