"White cannabis cannot harness the energy from the sun in the way that a green (or purple or red) cannabis plant can. Light bounces off of white objects, which is why grow room walls are often painted a flat white or covered in Panda Paper.
Coloration in leaves and buds helps the plant take in sunlight and convert it to energy. Without the chlorophyll needed to convert light into sugars, the plant cannot survive.
While providing supplemental nutrients may help, the overall quality of the crop will suffer"
@couplethatgrows420 I know she probably isn't gonna make it or be good but I ain't throwing her out I would like to see what happens probably nothing but I ain't giving up
@couplethatgrows420 i ain't throwing it out we gonna see what happens read the article gonna add some sugar to top dress it and see what happens may have that white girl lol never seen this time will tell here is her sisters two germinated the same time the other three 3 days later
Saw your other thread on this and got excited lol. I wonder how it's doing now?
this is what would concern me
"White cannabis cannot harness the energy from the sun in the way that a green (or purple or red) cannabis plant can. Light bounces off of white objects, which is why grow room walls are often painted a flat white or covered in Panda Paper.
Coloration in leaves and buds helps the plant take in sunlight and convert it to energy. Without the chlorophyll needed to convert light into sugars, the plant cannot survive.
While providing supplemental nutrients may help, the overall quality of the crop will suffer"
looks like it could be albino which would be bad ass if you could grow it out. Take a look at this article https://herb.co/learn/albino-weed/