Hey Mr. Grow it,
I found your channel and then the stash podcast. I love the content, the experts and science/bro science you bring to light. I am currently trimming/curring my first autoflower. i did not use autopot for the first one and I felt like it came out good just using megacrop. I had a lot of pale green/yellow leaves toward the end of veg when I switched to autopots. Ph would drift fast from 5.8-6.4 in two days maybe. would drink 5 gallons a day with 4 plants in veg. I cut Down the ppm and didn’t get better so i flushed them with about 10 gallons each of ph 100ppm water. I then added cal mg thinking it was a deficiency of cal mg, I bought canna coco and added some of that and ph regulated the plant started absorbing maybe 25% the amount of water it was absorbing, ph regulated and stayed consistent maybe drifting 5.8 to 6.2 after 2 weeks. It was stunted at some point in this process. the plants are very short but decently thick buds. Might be 3 ozs per plant. i know this post is too long so let me get to the point. Thinking about running canna coco A&B, cal mg, canna pk 13/14, big buds, and over drive next grow. Do you think this is a good regimen, anything I need to add? do U have an idea of what made it stunt? i feel like I need to tell u a lot more information but post is long enough. thanks for all your content mr grow it!
Thanks a lot for reaching out. My ppm was around 600 when They become pale yellow. I wasn’t sure if it was nute lockout because I’ve heard you and others say to go lower with autoflowers then the recommended dosing. I think maybe lower ppm and supplementing other items like cal mg will help. since i posted the question, ive heard u speak about how dangerous It is to transfer autos and maybe that is the blame too. I will see How my next cycle goes. Thanks a lot for your help!