@lemonhaze Never give up. I don't like to let things die, but you will learn more about what does/doesn't work than you will ever learn hearing ppl talk. I killed soooo many plants. Just last year I ran three rounds of seedlings for my gardens.
I lost 60% of all the seedlings I started. I tried to beat nature and she hit me with a super late frost . . also you learn about soil temps and how particular some plants are to things like that. Case an point letting your pots sit on cold concrete . . .
I would never have known how bad mites can get if I hadn't tried to kill them multiple times (each time, thinking I won).
@lemonhaze I have been growing plant indoors and out since we bought our house, so 8-9 yrs. I have winters to contend with so indoor has always been attractive.
I also learned the effort to grow veggies over winter inside is a lot of work for not much reward. However I always have something growing so I can learn/improve my technique. We had a garden when I grew up but never learned anything. I've always been intrigued by permaculture so that points me in my direction. Seems every year I learn something major that changes my overall approach.
Ayyy nice recovery! She looks great!
Very nice. Do you think that the bud growth has been effected?