Hello Friends,
This is Day 26 of flower on this NL-auto on the left (please ignore for now the Candy Land Auto on the right).
Based on PH, PPM readings and looks, I've been battling calcium deficiency/nutrient deficient/PH since about day 25 from sprout in FFO soil, - which is when I started adding the CalMag and initial nutrients to my RO water. (I know I was negligent and late and yes I am sorry and I deeply regret it.) I believe I underfed those nutrients for the following few weeks ... So here she and I are now ... and I have some questions I hope you folks might help answer.
1. Based on the damage (much of which was pruned away last week), is this going to be bad bud to smoke? (taste, potency, etc.)
2. Given the age of this plant, and given the long-term nutrient deficiency when exactly should I flush and then stop watering?
3. How do I use this Carson Microbridge Plus 60x-120x LED Lighted Zoom Pocket Microscope with Aspheric Lens System to look at the trichomes? Do I use tweezers to pinch a tiny bit of bud off and look at on a flat surface? Or do I push the thing all up onto the colas? Something else?
4. Does this story have a sad ending? Thanks so much for any helpful advice you all can share!

Hi, call me crazy but I think we can save her!
I don't think you did anything horrible wrong here. Ok, it sounds like you have been working on fixing things such as PH and adjusting the amount of nutrients you have been feeding. If you have taken care of things then the problem should stop spreading but damaged leaves will not recover (no big deal).
If the problem is still spreading, then I would guess you have over corrected. To fix that, just flush the heck out of her with plain water PH'd to 6.5. Once she dries out (could be a while), then go back to feeding nutrients but at half strength.
Here is my best shot at answering your questions:
1. Based on the damage (much of which was pruned away last week), is this going to be bad bud to smoke? (taste, potency, etc.)
The bud should be fine. Worse case is you get a lower yield.
2. Given the age of this plant, and given the long-term nutrient deficiency when exactly should I flush and then stop watering?
Flush when she looks about two weeks from harvest, then water only after that until harvest. You will start to see amber pistols forming then you know you are 2-3 weeks away. The company you got the seeds from should have an estimated harvest window which should still be close.
3. How do I use this Carson Microbridge Plus 60x-120x LED Lighted Zoom Pocket Microscope with Aspheric Lens System to look at the trichomes? Do I use tweezers to pinch a tiny bit of bud off and look at on a flat surface? Or do I push the thing all up onto the colas? Something else?
When the pistols have all receded then it is about harvest time (you still have a ways to go), at that point I usually cut the tip off the tiniest sugar leaf sticking out from a bud and look at both sides of that on a flat surface.
4. Does this story have a sad ending? Thanks so much for any helpful advice you all can share!
You still have time to turn things around. The pistols are all sticking straight up so you still have a ways to go before harvest.
Looks like a textbook case of light burn. Which grow light are you using and how far away is it from the top of the plant?
Glad to hear you screwed up!! No really, I know it sounds bad. Failures are worth a lot more than successes. Now you also know that it may not be as hard as you thought just last week. Life is good and you sir are not an idiot. You just made a normal honest mistake. Worst case you lost the money/worth of two or three seeds.
I have killed a great many plants . . Not the kind you smoke. I have a problem with steep learning curves, I tend to gravitate toward them.
After the first time you have your own flower and it's well cured, you will grow your own until you pass on.
"I'll die before I go back . . " lol
Ha! I wish I could share Living Gardening!
!!! So I have a ***Big Update***. I recently turned 40 and the possibility that I need reading glasses is the only excuse I have for wasting folks' time so far on this question. I'm sorry. It turns out I wasn't seeing the "x 10" on the PPM pen screen. So I now understand that I deprived her of calcium, and then I burned the crap out of her with nutrients. And now I'm also burning her with my lights because I didn't train her well enough. Feel so guilty!!! But I guess it's a good lesson. Flushed both plants in tub. Brought PPMs down to around 1500. PH is down to 5.1and 6.1 though. Guess I need to just give RO water and PH -Up for the rest of the week?
I don't know if it will be worth smoking that plant . . .
I mean I saw some things . . .
Maybe you should send me the plant and I'll let YOU know if it was worth smoking . . .
Yeah, That sounds like the best bet here for all involved . . .
Looks like you still have awhile to go the pistel haven't turned red yet the trichome checker or what I call it I have to put it all the way against the flower to see them im still new so can't give you a answer on other questions but I would add grow lighting soil tent size ph ppm runoff so the community could better help you happy growing my friend