Hi good day. I got amnesia seeds from growers choice seeds. My first run I noticed seeds while trimming, but put it down to simply a bad timer which did happen.
fast forward two months running the strain again I noticed hermies at day 18.
heres Where things get strange. I am running two tents. in separate rooms. Both rooms stay pitch black at night and tents stay open, as of last week I got a WiFi hygrometer which with the lights on the blinking blue LED was practically invisible unless you actually looked out for it. so this was placed in tent 2 one week ago Wednesday. and I totally understand why the amnesia haze in tent two hermied.
below are two examples of hermies from tent 2.

i introduced an identical WiFi monitor in tent number one two days ago. Wednesday. And yet the amnesia haze in tent number one hermied to an identical stage of balls.

Is it possible for the stages of hermie for one week be identical to the stages of hermie for one and a half days???
or do I have a bad mother tree? which is genetically predisposed to hermie?

Could be stress from that also check for pest with all the lil white spots
Could just be genetics if you've ruled out light leak. It seems like every month someone posts about issues they have had with Growers Choice Seeds 😕