Hello guys,,
this is my first time to grow, i have a problem with germination, i used the paper towel method for 48 hours for autos and i saw the root poping out, after that I planted the seeds in the soil and put it under light and humidity dome and i spray the soil twice a day with ph RO water, I’ve waited for 3 days and there is no sprout at all.
i was thinking that the light is the problem so my question is do seeds after planting after the paper towel need light or do i keep it in a dark place until i see a sprout?
thanks guys
To add to what the others have said, also monitor the soil temperature. Too low of temp and the plant may not sprout.
Like @couplethatgrows420 you want to let it get at least a 1/4. And when you put it in soil make sure the tap root faces down or it will have a longer tougher time turning and coming back up, sometimes they don't make it. As for the light it will chase any light to the surface and over stretch trying to get to what it wants. Sometimes it's just a dud that the seed pops and that's it. Keep her slightly damp and cross your fingers.
I put it under the light as soon as I plant it. I don't pull it from the paper towel until the tap root is about a quarter inch long and then plant tap root down maybe an half inch down but just enough to lightly cover the seed. Lightly mist soil until it pops from the soil. You can gently move the soil in the area you planted it and see if you can find it.