I appreciate all the info. Just really trying to bring some comfort to an awesome person. And we both share a newly legalized passion for plants of the medicinal variety. So any info I can use to aid in that I am more than grateful for. I also appreciate you taking the time to not only answer but provide some materials. Thank
Not a substitute for real medicine but here is some decent information on the subject of nausea control if you are determined. I'm fairly certain cannabis use lowers immune response though. This is one reason it's helpful for migraines and diseases that cause the body to attack itself. You might want to look at cbd heavy extracts instead since they have been shown to improve recovery after injury. Ashwaganda is also used to boost the immune system by suppressing cortisol (stress hormone) production. Reishi mushroom extracts have actually been used to help fight lymphoma in combination with radiation therapy. I will try to find the link to that study. Might also be useful to read up on intermittent fasting as well. Combining that with regular exercise has helped some people achieve remission. I'm certainly not a doctor though. Just throwing things out there. Sorry it isn't all on topic. Wishing you the very best luck!
Im no doctor but Ive heard that cannabis tinctures can help with lymphoma.
I appreciate all the info. Just really trying to bring some comfort to an awesome person. And we both share a newly legalized passion for plants of the medicinal variety. So any info I can use to aid in that I am more than grateful for. I also appreciate you taking the time to not only answer but provide some materials. Thank
No one on this forum will be able to answer that. Your best bet is to ask a doctor. Sorry we can't be of more help.