Pictures posted of my seedlings. I’m concerned about 1 in particular. Please help figure out what the blotxhy discoloration is. Not sure what is going on with my seedling. Can’t tell if it’s nutrient issue, viroid, or genetic variation? All the other seedlings are doing great.

I see plants turn yellow like that from too much water. Also, I'm not entirely sure what is in your pot but it looks like wood chips. Woody substances steal nitrogen from soil as they decompose and that's my first inclination. Might try finding some earthworm castings since it will have a broad range of nutrients that are immediatly avaliable.
Define feeding the 2x daily. Meaning twice per day with nutes? Is that mulch just a cover? What is your medium?
Those all look pretty good. The last pic looks like a mutation but may correct itself.
Which specific discoloration are you referring to?
Environment is stable and feed have been checked daily. Using Jacks Nutes. Feed is going in at 1.0EC 2x day - 5.6-5.8 PH - 78F 55RH - Nothing unusual. Just this little lady seems to look funny.