Plants have been doing great so far and haven’t encountered any problems yet. Fed Nutes today (2nd feed with water feed water tech...). I was going to feed nutes the first week but since the soil had some nutes I decided not to.
The lights are at 20”, I think it’s safe. Humidity is between 45-50% and at night it’s gets to 53%. I’m really excited about this grow and I’m hoping to 8oz. Be it that it‘s my first grow, I have hope that I can achieve this.
Lighting is sufficient a the moment and will be buying another light at flower.
One thing I have a problem with are the ppm levels from the soil run-off. PH is good, but It read at 3,300!! I haven’t had problems so I figured this is incorrect. Also, the ppm meter is supposedly calibrated so I didn’t do that. It’s not an expensive meter btw. Any tips or suggestions?

They sell ppm fluid to calibrate your meter on Amazon i had the same problem mine was way to high,and there is you tube videos to show you how to calibrate i calibrate my ph and ppm meter at least every 30 days happy growing my friend
That is the highest I have heard of myself. I think my personal highest was like 2200.
Well obviously you can do want you want, but with runoff of 3,300, you might as well pour your nutes (aka your money) down the toilet. The plants will only use what they need and any more than that will just stay locked up in the soil, or in your tray. If you are intrested read about the "soil food web". If you start to understand the relationship between plants and the soil, it might help you out. They are looking good though, I don't want you to think I'm trying to bust your balls, its just that I use to think the same way as you bud! Good growing
Thanks for the reply Greg. I know that it’s all I need but so far it hasn’t shown problems so I’m thinking It’s ok. I’m trying to get the best yield possible and I believe feeding nutes will help. What do you think? Keep nute schedule or discard?
If it’s been ok this far then I don’t see why not?
Hey Subby, I looked up your soil and it says it has all the nutes your plant will need from seedling to flower. If I were you, I would just water as needed until it started showing signs of any deficiencies before I looked at using nutes. One of the most common mistakes for new growers is wanting to feed your girls as much as you can, thinking more is better. Unfortunately thats not the best plan to use and you very well might burn them up. Just thought I'd try to help ya out alittle. Good Luck with them.
What soil are you using?