Been meaning to get numbers. I grow mushrooms too so it makes sense for me to add some to my tents. From what I have seen 1 5lb bag for a 4x4 is supposed to be sufficient. Depends on variety though. Personally, I stick like 8 in there lmao. The heat helps them myceliate faster so it's a win win. It really depends on if you run an open or closed loop though. If you suck air out too fast they won't do much of anything unless you are recycling the same air in your lung room. If you are like me and vent outside then I'd shoot for way more. In addition to the ones in my tent I have like 20 in my lung room at any given time. What I do know is that fungus usually gives off something close to its equivalent weight in co2 production. So a 5lb bag would produce close to 5lbs of co2 in its lifetime. Real co2 monitors are pretty expensive for what they are so I haven't spent the money yet, though I should due to the dangers of excess co2. Anyway, not sure if I helped at all but that's my knowledge on the subject.
Been meaning to get numbers. I grow mushrooms too so it makes sense for me to add some to my tents. From what I have seen 1 5lb bag for a 4x4 is supposed to be sufficient. Depends on variety though. Personally, I stick like 8 in there lmao. The heat helps them myceliate faster so it's a win win. It really depends on if you run an open or closed loop though. If you suck air out too fast they won't do much of anything unless you are recycling the same air in your lung room. If you are like me and vent outside then I'd shoot for way more. In addition to the ones in my tent I have like 20 in my lung room at any given time. What I do know is that fungus usually gives off something close to its equivalent weight in co2 production. So a 5lb bag would produce close to 5lbs of co2 in its lifetime. Real co2 monitors are pretty expensive for what they are so I haven't spent the money yet, though I should due to the dangers of excess co2. Anyway, not sure if I helped at all but that's my knowledge on the subject.