I feel like until bar style LEDs get more products in smaller wattages. Perhaps we can take advantage of a concave canopy to try and collect as much light as possible without having to blast the center of the plant unknowingly to give a more comfortable amount of light to the outer portions.
I have a groplanner 150w and light dropoff is felt on the outer edges and corners. The light brand or anything isn't all that important, typical pump and dump light with some considerations made. These lights can be pretty typical it seems with ppfd maps where gooder range ppfd kind of lands in a concave shape
If your center is lower you also allow for more surface area for the plant to uptake light turning it into flower, vegetable, or fruit. Is there any worth in doing these kind of techniques or can the plant tell if parts of it are higher without light input. If you remove the shoot of a main steam what determines the laterals apical bud. Is it only light, if so can we use that to have a higher surface area in conjunction with top density(just the right amount).
I don't mind spending time in the garden doing training, plus the more rearranging and the less cutting the better if everything is ideal. I do 4 plants on a monthly harvest schedule to meet the demands of me and my fiancé and occasionally family/friends come by for dinner social events.
Good point. There is always worth in evening your canopy to maximize growth.