so i have never grown a photo before i am an auto lover . i decided to give it a try but i think i am misscalculating the height?? hope not but what do you think ? distance from canopy of the photo is 75sm and is week 1 of flower.
yeah since im new to led (outdoor grower) and indoor conditions i suffered for at least 2 months problems regarding the light distance and intesity . i would say up to 40cm i have no heat problems . closer than this i get burns so i have to adjust the dimmer
It depends on how much it stretches but you should be able to train it to keep it down.
i would agree , looks like you should have enough room . nice job on topping and training by the way . looks very even & nicely spread out
Hard to say. I think you'll be alright. How hot do those lights get when putting your hand underneath?