3 1/2 week old babies, just started to show some markings on the oldest fan leaf growth. I think calcium deficiency. Otherwise pretty healthy looking. Growing in amended Nectar For The Gods organics with NFTGs nutrients and pH adjusted H2O. I gave a dose of Cal/Mag with the last watering and have also given the soil a healthy dose of organic compost tea (soil pH a little high at around 7.5-ish). Top dressed the soil with the remain compost as well. Can anyone provide more insight or guidance on next steps? How frequently should they get the Cal/ Mag? Thanks everyone.

Are those the only two leaves impacted or are they on leaves throughout the plant?
Super helpful! Thanks.
You might wanna reconsider foliar before lights out because wet leaves in the dark can cause mold. A couple yellow spots here or there are nothing to get alarmed about. I know its hard to not want to think somethings wrong whenever you see yellow but alot of the time its nothing, give it alittle more time, especially in soil where you have a larger margin of error. If you use RO water or distilled then you probably want to add cal-mag every time. Hope this helps, Good growing!
No pests as far as I can tell. I did a foliar compost tea. They seemed to like the compost tea. No further spread of the spots on the leaves. Thanks for the suggestions.
It is also suggested to mix under the recommended dose of Cal-Mag, when giving a foliar feeding. I mixed in 2.5 ml per gallon of water. Also it's important to note that foliar feedings need to be done right before lights out, because without a transport agent, the plant(s) won't be able to intake the Cal-Mag fast enough, resulting in burnt plants if fed during daylight hours.
I hope it's not pests.. or I'm going to feel like a real A-hole 😆
I've had those same marks before in early veg.. I thought it may have been a calcium issue also. I ended up giving the plant a foliar dose of Cal-Mag right before lights out. I haven't had any new markings since. Hope this helps.
Have you checked for pest?