Hello and Happy pre-4/20 Sunday(sales are among us, look around for that piece of gear!). It's transplant day for these 2 ladies from their solo cup to the 3 gallon on their way to eventual 15 gallon. I use Berger soil mix, usually OM-6, Green Sunshine Company's Earth Dust dry nutrients. Amended w/ local worm castings, Microbial Mass, Recharge. IPM based on Canncontrol, neem, castile soap, cleanliness, DE, sticky pads... These Photoperiod cultivars are from MSNL and are Blue Cheese. Both broke ground Easter morning in a Super Sprouter under a t5- Day 2. A bit leggy- not going to use that method again.

Today's(4/18) roots- Ready to go...

Soil has been in the bags kept moist for couple of weeks "cooking". Hole and roots get some microbial inoculant- Recharge is what I have found to be widely used and I have had success with it. The Radicle bags also have option for velcro side to help with removal at transplant time. Material is soft enough to not need it, but it helps. These bags are also a mesh material that air prunes.

Home next to the Rain Science 15 Gallon bags they will eventually go into. Pot risers on order. To the farm this week to grab some hay for mulch layer.

I plan on scrog net in a couple of weeks and get them filled in, enjoy the LST process and learn to apply next time.
For the gear nerds...4"AC I w/67 controller, Terra-Bloom 24", M/H SP3000 The plan is for weekly update posts and very few "9-11" panic post's for questions, but that's the value of community, right?
I hope all is well for Mr. Grow It this afternoon (THANK YOU for the Patreon encouragement of these being healthy enough to move forward) and I hope all is well for everyone else- no kidding about those 4/20 sales, best prices on most stuff until Black Friday!
Grow on!
...and the Blue Cheese, born on Easter morning, was harvested under a Blue moon...complete organic horticultural synchronicity, no?
Hey and Hello Growmies!
What a week in the office...the Auto plants came down in 10 days and the Photo Blue Cheese went the full 14 for one and 15 for the other.
Root Ball on these-
the tap root on the Blue Cheeses did not extend down that far, but the finer side tendrils network was thick. It shows the 16", but that was for a "ball" 16" diameter
The Blue Cheese- this really reveals the 3 G. veg size pot it was in. The mass extends out after going into the 10 G, but much finer hairs. The drying out of the soil on the outside edge of the bags might have led to this diminished return to the outside of the mass- I plan on stepping down in final pot sizes, looking at Yucca and possibly other soil hydration measures. Reducing Pumice and rice hull aeration additives to soil as well-
I feel the color is pretty healthy. No discolored areas or places that looked diseased or rotting-
Now, the Autoflower root balls show a slightly different story-
Longer root tendrils but not nearly the circumference. These plants did NOT slowly develop anything- it drove full speed down to root to live . It's like, 1/2 of the root mass of the Photo plant. A bit longer, but half the mass...hhhmmmm.
A very pronounced taproot
Main tap roots of the Lost Elephant Autoflowers-
When you look at the info I provided throughout the grow I mentioned Leftie was fluffier buds that did not tighten up like the Right plant did- at harvest the bottom 6" of the bag's soil was mostly dry. I knew I had some pH issues. I watered the same during Flower and they both were under same light. I might not have watered in fully at transplant, a topdress feeding might not have broken down as much and/or not penetrated. I am not sure-
It did affect yield as Leftie came in at just shy of 5 ounces while Leftie came in at 7.3 ounces after drying. The Autos were remarkably consistent with one being an 1/8 short of 3 ounces and the other at 3.25 ounces. The bud structure of those Elephants were tight and solid.
Well, that's a wrap Growmies- root ball studies are important I feel. Super fun grow with tons learned and am already applying to the next patients in the office. Thank you to @Mr. Grow It and all who advised and commented- I hope this gets looked at years from now, buried in the posts and either it gets laughed at or inspires just one gardener to avoid my mistakes.
It's not goodbye.
I hope to see you on the other posts, but this Cheese is in the jar.
Have a great weekend Growmies-