Hey I purchased the enlite ceres 780 in currently growing autos about 6 inches tall now the company said about 600 ppfd at 18 inches but I notice leaf curl and the plants just look spindeley so I have a lux meter to give me an estimate what do you think is a good lux or par for veg? And how hifh would you reccomend I hang the light and at what power?
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The manufacturer would know best. Here are what is said to be ideal PPFD for each of the stages: 200-400 PPFD: seedings, clones, and mother plants
400-600 PPFD: Veg
600-900 PPFD: Flower
I don't go by lux and don't recommend you go by lux since that only measures visible light and doesn't include all light that plants absorb. If your plants aren't currently liking how much light they are receiving, you can always increase the light distance by a few inches then see how they react. As you get more practice, you'll be able to read your plants and know how much light they can handle.
I use patreon to message him or tag him in a comment. This is his birthday weekend, not sure if he is checking notifications. I'd raise your lights a little and if you can put a pic or two of the plants on here.
How do I gst ahold of him? I have a Dr meter, the enlite company told me that the enlite ceres 780 has 600 ppfd from 18 inches away but my plants seem stressed even though i have read that 600-900 is good for flowering I have a 4x4 te
I don't use lux, @Mr. Grow It is incredibly versed on ppfd and spectrum. I use the back of my hand and leaf reactions. I start a little high slowly work down over a couple days watch the praying of the leaves. When I get to where the leaves are up about 45 degrees towards end of light cycle I call it good. Now when Mr grow it reads your post he will have an encyclopedia worth of knowledge and will probably get you at the correct distance, because E=Mc sq 😂lol he's like bill nye the grow light guy.