This is my first grow, got 5 grape pie clones from a dispensary in vista california and trans them to a gallon pot.
Growing in roots organic original
, watering using distilled water with a bit of added cal mag (.8-1.3 ec). They are getting a bit greener since i got them out in the sun but im here because i’m wondering if the slight holes and might mean there is some sort of insect infestation. Also wondering a bit about the dead looking leaves. Thanks guys!

Looks normal to me. Check under the leaves. Holes like that pop up from time to time. It's usually from overhandeling. The holes from bugs generally appear different. There usually won't be a brown halo around the hole, it will just be green up to the part that was eaten. If you are outdoors though I highly reccomend you start some form of good ipm. Bugs will tear your plants up once they get big enough to harbor pest colonies.