pH and PPM's would help some of us potentially comment- could be nutrient deficiency- but your leaf tips have a nice tip burn so they have been eating well recently....
If your PPM's are low, I would say it's hungry, but your PPM's might be fine and your pH slipped out of range to let the plant eat- not sure....
did you see the top pinned post on the forum titled "read me first" ?
pH and PPM's would help some of us potentially comment- could be nutrient deficiency- but your leaf tips have a nice tip burn so they have been eating well recently....
If your PPM's are low, I would say it's hungry, but your PPM's might be fine and your pH slipped out of range to let the plant eat- not sure....
did you see the top pinned post on the forum titled "read me first" ?
it really helps- to help.