Hi, I have been having issues with keeping my nutrient levels. I thought I had it all down from my last watering and had the nutrients level where needed to be but when I watered today with RO water. Levels were high in the 1250. Also saw this on one of my plants . Can it be cal mag deficiency? ;/.

Yes it does. I didnt mean cut out P completely. But if it is getting to much P now and burning leaves. There is obviously too much. That's why i always recommend a flush to restabalize the soil. Then start adding nutrients back slowly.
I keep PH at 6.4 to 6.5. I use 1/4 strength for thoes nutes with great success. Lay off anything with P in it. You can flush soil with sledge hammer and water with regular water for a week. Plant should be good to go.
Which Fox Farm nutes? Kind of looks like a phosphorous deficiency. Also, 6.0 is a bit low. Try to stay between 6.2-6.8.
What is the ph of your soil?
What are you feeding with and ppm?