So far this season has been pretty awesome except for the male brisker OG and Pakistan Valley plants. I did however plant 2 more BriskValley to see if I can get a female. The indoor has 6 new ladies in it. Skywalker OG, fire OG, and brisker Pakistan Valley cross.. The outdoor plants are approaching around 4' tall. I did top of few of the indoor plants early to see how They will react. So far I am starting off at 3 weeks with 4 giant main stocks. It did stunt their growth for about a week but they pulled through and are blowing up now. I just sex to my other plant outside and good thing it is a female!!!! Woo hoo! The season is pregressing very nicely!

Impressive grow so far! Fingers crossed you get a female Pakistan Valley x Brisker OG
I hope so. Hopefully at least 1.5-2lb of good flower each big plant outdoor. And harvest for indoor scheduled around end of November, hopefully 2.5lb total for the indoor. That will take care of my patients and myself for the winter indoor grow and prep for 2020 year.
Looking awesome bro.harvest numbers gonna be HIGH.