The first part of this Grow Will be seeing how the root comes out to see if this is a early way of determining sex It’s been said that if it comes out Street It will most likely be female if it comes out sideways it most likely becomes

this is only a theory we’re going to put it to the test
Number seven wanted to start showing balls again I’m so lucky I held out till the end so it’ll be coming down in the next couple days still have number six she’s filling out but definitely taking longer
Quick update on number six and 7+ I also managed to clone a few for the next run this time I’ll be able take my time and Max them out plus I also pollinated with number eight I cross some white widow and Highlander and Obi-Wan plus a little on six and seven
Number 7 is hermie? I see pistils but i don't see the sacs So roughly 44% female so far. I wonder if that lost seed was female then that would bump it up to 50% which is normal. Thanks for the update
Here they are from number 2 to 9
Quick update let’s recap number one has left the building we dropped one seed right from the start and couldn’t find it this is the newest News number two it’s a boy number three it’s a boy number for it self fuck in Boro boy .... Number five you remember the problem child well we still have a chance she’s looking pretty good but still hasn’t decided what she wants the VA girl or a boy so let’s have hope number six girl yup lawn looks like shit but it’s a girl Number seven I he/she Yep couldn’t quite make up the mind of what it wanted to be so it decided let’s be both fuck me number eight the best looking one well you know what happens when that happens too good to be true that’s right it’s a boy number nine is the Frick in or I cannot believe it it’s a boy well nothing will be wasted I will be using the pollen from the better genetics crossing some Highlander maybe some Trainwreck maybe some Obi-Wan will see so next time here is a photo of number eight
Just a heads up, you can actually add multiple pics to one post instead of individual posts. If you do individual posts, it shows up as individual notifications. So the 26 replies you did ended up as 26 notifications. For some reason on this forum each notification needs to be clicked on individually in order to be cleared. Just wanted to let you know
Thanks for the update man. Sucks about the males and the PM but things happen. Other than that the plants look healthy!
Number 9 got nuts
Ok we got boys... So that theory is out the window
As in any good institution we had surprise client movement last night number 2,6,7,8 and 9 have been moved to sexing with 10 hours late 14 hours darkness Some of the sun leaves are now up to nine blades probably going to be bigger than my head in about a week
Nice tight node spacing on them! That one must be leaning towards the Pakistan Valley side.