I am planning my first grow outside in shed which is insulated however I have a potential issue , when I draw in fresh in via the intake it will be very cold as I am in the UK . My question is what methods can I use to combat this can I replace fresh air supply with Co2 bottles for example another potential method was intake into a small box with a 1.5kw radiator ducted into the 4x4 .
many suggestion would be appreciated
Thanks for the reply , I am almost finished insulating the shed which is 8ft by 12ft I then plan to have a 4x4 within , I have thought about that puting a radiator within A box and intake via that way , another idea was the extract the air from the 4x4 2piece junction so that half the air goes to the outside and half returns back into the lung room to maintain the temp ? But with that will also bring excess humidity
How big is the shed? Thinking out loud here, box off a section and have that be your lung room. Add a heater to the lung room. Or potentially just the heater in the grow room will be enough? Have you tried that yet?