It’s my first grow! Blackberry Kush. FoxFarms Ocean Forest in a 4x4x6 tent. I just transplanted from a solo cup to a 5gal fabric pot. Watering RO water at 7.0 ph. I did add some Earth Dust nutrients when I transplanted (1/2 cup). I’m wondering it’s cause Nutrient Lockout? Temp has remained mid 70s F. with humidity at 55-60%. Would love your help if possible.

Looks like over watering. More info:
be patient its easy to overwater . but feel of the pot is real easy to get the hang of. when shes little she wont take up so much water & as she gets older & flowers she'll drink more & more often.
it looks large enough you wont need to spray the top soil anymore i would get a feel for the weight of the pot when watered until runoff is reached then only re water when you can feel the pot considerably lighter. thatll help the roots get air & spread. she's well on her way top a bright future . can almost start training if you plan on doing any looks like shes on her 5th node
how often are you watering ? looks like could be overwatering to me .