You can dry at room temperature 70-75ish, the trick is the humidity which you should try to keep around 50-55%. A cooler longer dry would be nice but if you don't have a dedicated space then room temperature will be fine. Humidity is your real enemy.
dry temp should be less than 70f or 21c if you live in a warmer area maybe dedicate only a room with a window a/c unit or even a smaller unit inside the room the tent is in .
The highest to dry without impacting quality is 75F IMO. I like 60F but it's hard for me to get there. What are you using for cooling?
You can dry at room temperature 70-75ish, the trick is the humidity which you should try to keep around 50-55%. A cooler longer dry would be nice but if you don't have a dedicated space then room temperature will be fine. Humidity is your real enemy.
dry temp should be less than 70f or 21c if you live in a warmer area maybe dedicate only a room with a window a/c unit or even a smaller unit inside the room the tent is in .