My 3 girls just hit one week and all seems ok but the fast berry has me a little concerned due to her light color. All 3 were potted in a 3 gal fabric pot using FFOF and some seedling mix by miracle gro in the center. Should I be concerned with her color being lighter than the other 2?

What meter did you buy? I went with a $20 amazon meter and after much headache and set backs discovered my cheap meter was off by 1.5 points.
Just got my PH meter in the mail and tested my tap water and it's at 7.8 so that may have played a part in it as well.
Hi, you are probably right about it being overwhelmed. Sounds like you are treating them all the same and just this one is misbehaving so I'm thinking it's just the genetics on this one. Just keep feeding her PH'd water and hopefully she will get over it. Adding in some CalMag would be the only other thing I would try.
I have 3 autos I am growing now and I have treated all three the same (FFoF + Gia Green), two look great, the third has nutrient burn.
On day 13 now and the yellowing has progressed and starting to see some signs of nut burn on the leaves. I think the soil may have overwhelmed her a bit.
That's what I was thinking also but threw me off a lil where the other 2 where not as bad.
Light colors on new growth is normal, they will darken to a normal green the more they grow in.