Ok, I was watering the plant. I fill up the grey water pot, I used it all in one pot, and I turned around all the water had seeped to the bottom, so I changed the tray and again it is sitting in water, so I went to a 3rd bin. Now the meter is still reading dry. What am I doing wrong?

These are the others in tent.

Thanks in advance.
UPDATE: I went to water the second one and the same thing happened. Could it be the fabric pots are not any good? They brand new. I mean it is less than a half gallon of water going in.

UPDATE 2: I have these as my ph testers. Water with 1/2 less nukes went in 6.25ph and came out as 5.89ph.

UPDATE 3: I found this one leaf on my plants, that I started to give 1/3 nukes as of last week.

It's all good. Thank You for the response. Actually I placed them in the dark, on Saturday and came back home Monday and trimmed to went into the tent until dry. Here are some pictures before trim, after trim. in fact gave my neighbor the leaves and we had coffee and brownies for the morning. :):):)
I know my issues are humidity, temperature, and ppm's and PH. And trying to get them right all at the same time, some thing is always off
😂 Again, thanks for the response.