@Selma Shop Thanks for the additional info. Is that the only leaf impacted? Do you have a fan or heater by that leaf? That damage looks like damage that occurs from a fan or heater too close.
Honestly no the fan and heater arent directed at the plant or anything but it’s really only affecting those couple leaves i think it could be my temps cause every now and again it gets really hot in there cause i have to turn it on and off manually so i’ll probably get a new one soon
I ph my water around 6.5 and give nutrients every other water. I’m using FF nutrients mostly big bloom and grow big I’m about to start giving tiger bloom. I don’t have a ppm meter yet.
Need more info in order to properly diagnose. See here for what info to include: https://www.mrgrowit.com/forum/grow-community/read-me-first
More info is needed to help like ph and ppm runoff feeding schedule water scheduled and so on