Hello, me again.
Here's something I have been playing with but never expected her to live this long. This is a big plant in a small 1qt pot.
I had topped this girl early in training but later while doing some LST, I went and snapped 50% of the plant off... DOH!. Before I got around to throwing her out, she recovered a bit so I just let her sit and never transplanted her. Then a tiny corner opened up in the Bloom tent and I said what the heck and threw her into flower thinking this would finish her off for sure!
It is now week 4 day 7 and she seems to be loving it .. after a bit of trial and error. She is incredibly thirsty and hungry, I found I have to give her 1 liter of feed every other day or she goes into full droop mode. I gave one feed of just plain PH'd water and the next day all the leaves had faded and two had died so now it's full nutrients every feeding. That's a lot of nutrients in a little pot but no nutrient burn or lockout yet although I expect it soon.

Here she is from the top down.

I have some wires around her in case she falls over lol.
I will post updates on the fate of this girl.
Final dry weight is 45g, so just over an ounce and half and does it ever look and smell good! Hints of purples and pinks throughout, cant wait to try this!
Thanks guys! This was a fun experiment and I never expected things would work out this good!
Looks tasty!
....so....a lone bagseed, perpetually cloned....THEN, you damage one plant after multiple harvests, and bring the damaged branch not only back to life, you do it in a qt. size pot, and stack golf balls on the stem 2 ft. tall on it....damn man. that is AWESOMENESS!!
It's Harvest Day! About a week earlier than usual for this strain.
I used FloraNova Bloom and DutchPro Explode. She was thirsty and I feed her 1 liter every 2nd day.
Can't wait to see the final weight. Here are the harvest pictures:
After the pre-dry trim.