can one really tell if a plant is a Male or Female just by the number of fingers of each leaf ?
i have noticed that in some plants that are Male they seem to have 9 to11 fingers to each main leaf and that the current Female plant i have going only reached 7 fingers maybe one leaf had 9 -- but seen mostly between 5 and 7 on my current budget grow at about 40 days and yes in flower as well - and lost track of the total days in flower

so i hope that by Christmas or New Years i should have a good idea of what is what
so MR Grow it what is you thought on this ? and anyone else have any thoughts if its possible to tell just by finger count on leaves ?
Different genetics will express themselves in various ways. The number of fingers on a leaf is a characteristic and both male and female plants can have the same number of fingered leaves.
This is actually the first I've ever heard of counting the fingers of leaves to determine sex. Any links to the source?