does anybody know what’s going on here? Sorry this is the best video/lighting I could take. This is an indoor grow I took the plants outside to get better lighting to take the picture.. When I noticed what was going on I checked my ph and ppm runoff. At the time my ph was 5.8 and my ppm was around 2400 I flushed my ppm down to 1000.
I’m in soil pro mix
33 days in flower
my room temp is around 79 degrees
my room humidity is around 57
i have 1000 w hps lights
no pest
ph 5.8
I use Athena nutrient line and my feed ppm is around 1500..
My runoff ppm was around 2400 I flushed down to 1000ppm
I have different variety of strains Mac 1, grape mac and several others and they
all look like this..

There about 3 1/2 feet