Hello all,
You guys can call me David. I wanted to post this here to seek input on Cannabis Strains you kind Folks would recommend.
Background information feel feel free to skip to the next paragraph if you don’t want to read about my medical background. I was born with Nystagmus, an eye condition that causes my eyes to rapidly shake up and down causing an inability to focus on things very clearly. I under went an operation in which the doctor took a scalpel to my eye and severed the main muscles causing the shake. It help for a year but I am on year two now and my eyes are getting progressively worse. The ahaking still occurs when I am deprived of sleep or stressed out. I have insomnia that cycles usually I have about 3 to 5 months with an average of one to two hours of sleep. Then 3 to 5 months of getting about 6-8 hours on average. The final issue I was also born with called Syringomyelia. It presents itself in two ways. I have a form that causes two cysts to form in my upper spinal column. This has a ton of symptoms that are to numerous to go in to, but the most problematic is frequent headaches and migraines. Also shooting nerve pain throughout my body. Now I understand most of you will not have heard of Nystagmus or Syringomyelia. Thats why I chose to include symptom.
The main question I want to ask is what strains would you recommend for the aforementioned ailments? Yes I could try to look this information up or visit a dispensary, however I live in Illinois and you’re required to have the same primary care doctor for at least 1 year. I had a PCD that was hardcore against the use of medical Cannabis. While I would have changed primary care doctors years ago I lost insurance my insurance before I had reached the year marker. I couldn’t meet the requirements to be considered an active patient I am now set up to visit a doctor in late August but it will still be a year after that, that I will be eligible for a medical card. I have a very hard time trying to find a seller of quality medicine. Most of the time it is random strains they know nothing about. I need the same strain to be used effectively, or so I understand.
I understand hat the answers may not be coming from a medical professional background so I’ll just state that the information gathered in my research won’t be used against anyone now or in the future by me. I assume full responsibility for any recommendation. I don’t want any of you to be afraid to answer. I am just seeking guidance in navigating my medical needs. Thank you so much for your time and I really love this community. Take care!
I'm not a doctor so I can't recommend anything for your medical conditions, but in my own experience, it comes down to trying different strains and seeing what works for you.