Has anyone seen this before ? She popped on Thursday then this morning I noticed this second shoot. only one seed was put in this pot the other seed I planted popped also and looks normal. They were feminized seeds. Should I be concerned or just ride her out. Thank You in advance.

Mutant update. Because of the holidays I was not able to flip her until December 24. She just finished her fourth week of flower.
That looks crazy awesome!
Aren't you glad you just went with it?
Can't wait to see it around January 30th!
I currently have a 19 day old that looks exactly like this. I have 2 plants one looks normal the other a mutant. Doing what you are only with 7 gallons. Just transplanted and they love it.
it's going to stretch a bit when you flip it.
That cultivar is Blueberry crossed with an Afghanistan Indica so it shouldn't get crazy tall.
If you can't flip until 12/15, trim that lady back a bit, you have plenty of time to let it grow back. Seeing as you are going with one pot in the tent for the grow, top main stalk as well as top two branches to maximize bud sites. Go ahead and trim the bottom as well. NOT ALL AT ONCE mind you, but as you said, if you can't flip until 12/15, train that girl and don't just watch her become a big ass bush to manage-
.....just opinion.
I did that with my Star Dawgs(see thread on this forum) and they responded well-
But congrats on growing that girl out- looks great and that's a great cultivar-
Btw. The stock coming out of the dirt is over 3/4 of an inch thick it just seems like the plant should get taller
45 days since pop. Growing very differently than my other 3 grows. 1Shiskaberry
10 gal pot
ffof soil
earth dust nuts plus worm castings
two hlg 100 v2 lights
4x2 space in closet
temp at 78
humidity 50 to 58 %
The plant looks beautiful to me I have been LST it from week two. It just looks like it is filling up too much and not growing up too much?
I will not be able to flip to flowet until December 15. Any suggestions on my grow ?
Day 36 from pop. Oh I put her in a 10 gallon pot a week ago. She is looking happy. I am going to try to keep her tied down and trained low and wide. Since I won't be able to flip her until mid of December.
19 days in I think I am gonna put the mutant in a ten gallon pot and let her roll. Thank you everyone for the advice
If you ride it out plan using large pots, roots are the foundation and a double plant will need a lot.
if you have the room for it, why not? looks like she's starting out topped already, right off the bat
Ride it out for sure. Could be interesting.