will do bro thanks think im still gonna flush for a little was only gonna be for like 4 days because i have 7 in coco and 2 in soil so im starting flush on soil today give that a week or so depending on the hairs and trichomes i want bit more amber then cloudy
I actually just read an article in hightimes where a company did a test to see if flushing made bud taste different and they said people picked unflushed just as much if not more. Look it up under the grow section.
Unfortunately thats not exactly how plants eat. Plants themselves dont go get food, water, nutrients or whatever, what they do is, as they need something be it water, iron, calcium or any of the 17 minerals needed for life, it will release exudates (chemicals) from its roots that tell the microbes around their roots what they want. Theses chemicals happen to be sugars that the microbes love, so in return for the sugars, the microbes get whatever the plant tells them it needs. It works the same with the fungi in the soil as well. So if you think along those lines, you will see that whether you drown your plants in water or dry them to the bone it doesn't work in conjunction with the biology of the plant. I hope that makes sense and helps. One good way to look at it is, your not really feeding and nurturing your plant as much as the soil. Soil is key.Good Growing!
Not to start an argument or anything but if you research and understand how plants work at a microscopic level, you will find that flushing does not do what we have all been led to believe. Like I said I'm not trying to start a fight because I know there are peeps who will swear they can tell the difference and what not, and I used to use that practice myself, but what I'm saying isnt necessary my opinion, its science, you can easily look it up for yourself.
But isnt flushing supposed to get the girl to basically consume or bleed herself of chemicals/fertilizer? Im only going off of what ive heard off videos, read out of my grow bible, and lessons gotten out of my first grows. Id love to be taught what to really look for in order to give my ladies the best chance at being potent medicine, as possible.
There is definitely a lot of misinformation when it comes to flushing. When I first learned how to grow, I heard you should flush or else your buds will have a "weird" taste and be harsh on the throat when smoked. I didn't flush my plants one time and found that to be true. Over the years, I learned why the buds had a weird taste and were harsh. It was due to the amount of chlorophyll still present. For those that don't know, chlorophyll is what make the plant's leaves green. That's why many people flush - so the leaves will fade from green to yellow which is a clear sign that chlorophyll is gone. The plants will still need a period of time for curing as that is another way chlorophyll breakdown happens.So yes, flushing is not required. You can harvest your plant when all the leaves are still green. However, in that case, you will just need to cure your plants for a longer period of time to allow chlorophyll breakdown since there is so much chlorophyll still present at harvest. The earliest I will smoke buds is two weeks after drying. At that point, I always still taste chlorophyll. Although, it's not nearly as bad as if I were to smoke it right after drying. Now I wait 30 days after drying before I smoke my buds. Even then I sometimes still taste chlorophyll. Other people may say other reasons for flushing such as to "remove nutrients in the plant which are toxic to smoke". That is definitely false. I've also heard it stresses the plant which results in more trichome production. That doesn't make sense as the plant needs nutrients in order to create trichomes. I'm sure people say other reasons to flush prior to harvest but I can't think of them off the top of my head.
Probly a solid week. If they aren't showing signs of either cannibalization of the fan leaves or if the fans aren't flushing their chlorophyll, id do 2.
They look really good! Impressive size of buds!! How are the trichomes? It looks to me as if they are just about at that cloudy point where flush should begin, but it could just be the light from the . Have you noticed any more swelling or increase in size in the last 12-24 hours? If so then id leave them alone for another day or 2.
thanks bro thats what i am for and i havnt got anything to look at them with i havnt noticed anything but im gonna give it day or two dry my pots right out then flush how long of a flush would u say a week or two ??
or @Mr. Grow It have u ever used canna flush ?
@gregthe357 have u ever used canna flush ??
will do bro thanks think im still gonna flush for a little was only gonna be for like 4 days because i have 7 in coco and 2 in soil so im starting flush on soil today give that a week or so depending on the hairs and trichomes i want bit more amber then cloudy
I actually just read an article in hightimes where a company did a test to see if flushing made bud taste different and they said people picked unflushed just as much if not more. Look it up under the grow section.
Unfortunately thats not exactly how plants eat. Plants themselves dont go get food, water, nutrients or whatever, what they do is, as they need something be it water, iron, calcium or any of the 17 minerals needed for life, it will release exudates (chemicals) from its roots that tell the microbes around their roots what they want. Theses chemicals happen to be sugars that the microbes love, so in return for the sugars, the microbes get whatever the plant tells them it needs. It works the same with the fungi in the soil as well. So if you think along those lines, you will see that whether you drown your plants in water or dry them to the bone it doesn't work in conjunction with the biology of the plant. I hope that makes sense and helps. One good way to look at it is, your not really feeding and nurturing your plant as much as the soil. Soil is key.Good Growing!
@gregthe357 I flush on the 17th couple look ready to flush now or should I just wait for the others to catch up and go with the flush on the 17th
Not to start an argument or anything but if you research and understand how plants work at a microscopic level, you will find that flushing does not do what we have all been led to believe. Like I said I'm not trying to start a fight because I know there are peeps who will swear they can tell the difference and what not, and I used to use that practice myself, but what I'm saying isnt necessary my opinion, its science, you can easily look it up for yourself.
and how would u tell if the fans leaves arnt flushing their chlorophyll??
Probly a solid week. If they aren't showing signs of either cannibalization of the fan leaves or if the fans aren't flushing their chlorophyll, id do 2.
They look really good! Impressive size of buds!! How are the trichomes? It looks to me as if they are just about at that cloudy point where flush should begin, but it could just be the light from the . Have you noticed any more swelling or increase in size in the last 12-24 hours? If so then id leave them alone for another day or 2.