My one plant is odly taller then the other even tho its the same strain (Afghan) and now its getting brown leaves and brown dots. I think its getting sick. Did I feed it to much? Or can a to low temperature or a to high humidity level cause this?
Edit: The second plant got those dots too and I fed them yesterday. So maybe that is the problem. I also read that the light should be 18 inches above the plants and its only 9,8 inches above my plants. I thought the one plant is so tall because it was not getting enough light. Could that be the proble or are they really sick?

A PH issue was my first guess. What kind of water are using? If it's city or well water you should have access to a water quality report that will show the PPM and PH. If you are on city water, most cities keep the PH high as in the 9-9.5 range to prevent the pipes from being damaged from more acidic PH levels, cannabis grown in soil likes a PH around 6.5.
You should get yourself a PH pen (and a PPM pen as well). You can spend a couple of hundred for a super accurate PH pen or less than $20 for one that will give a pretty darn accurate PH reading. Get the $20 yellow one from Amazon and just check the accuracy from time to time. It will let you know if you are at least in the ball park.