If moving the temperature down is too costly or difficult there are additives you can feed which supposedly help counter heat stress, haven't personally used any though.
Like @Rob Hayes said controlling the temp in the room the tent is in is first to do. Some times lights still create a higher temp and that doesn't fully help. If you can use an exhaust drawing close to your light to pull the heat from it out of tent. If that doesn't it you'll most likely need a small cooling system.
If I take is on all the way and you got fans oscillating I think next best thing is leaving the tent a little open for more air. But if the room it’s in is hot as well, maybe a fan or ac to cool that room down. That way the intake is taking in that cooler air and releasing the hot air.
If moving the temperature down is too costly or difficult there are additives you can feed which supposedly help counter heat stress, haven't personally used any though.
Are you using an intake fan to exhaust the hot air from the grow space? Also, do you have an air conditioner?
Like @Rob Hayes said controlling the temp in the room the tent is in is first to do. Some times lights still create a higher temp and that doesn't fully help. If you can use an exhaust drawing close to your light to pull the heat from it out of tent. If that doesn't it you'll most likely need a small cooling system.
You need to cool the room down that the tent is in
If I take is on all the way and you got fans oscillating I think next best thing is leaving the tent a little open for more air. But if the room it’s in is hot as well, maybe a fan or ac to cool that room down. That way the intake is taking in that cooler air and releasing the hot air.
What is the temp in the room the tent is in?
What is temp in the room the tent is in?