Evening community, Mr.Growit. This is our next set. All feminized, 2 Blueberry, Acapulco Gold, White Widow, and an Amnesia. Germinated paper towel/ baggie method. The 2 Blueberry, Acapulco Gold come up (day 3). White Widow slasked off a couple days. So I soaked an Amnesia. When I went to plant the Amnesia, White Widow was up (day 2). Amnesia still looking for the heavens. Only wanted 4,but screw it right, take 5. Going to follow Mr.Growit's book (3rd addition).
Thanks guys and gals,

The other harlequin is looking closer and closer towards finding the darkroom. Think I'll give her the weekend. What's you think? Flush runoff ph-6.63, ppm-478.
Difficult to get great pics. Need better scope. They looked more cloudy, not so shinny.
Evening all, Mr.Growit. Quick rundown. W-12 nutrition, D-103,F-52. 1 harlequin being flushed, the other three still feeding.
Runoffs: harlequin-ph-6.40, ppm-1110. White Widow-ph-6.35, ppm-1100. Amnesia-ph-6.40, ppm-1112.
Mr.Growit, community. Hope all had good night rest. These ladies look like they are getting plenty of rest. These are the 7 cbd clones. I just recently flushed(4-07-2021). I gut a runoff but failed to right it down. Probably because they were in range. On 4-09-2021 fed week 11. Sitting at day 78 flower days 28. Going in my ph-6.75 ppm- 976. Made another gl to try to get a runoff. Ph- 6.85 ppm-985. Well that didn't work as planned. Overwatered, made a mess in the tent, that won't happen again. I was so pissed, I failed to get runoff numbers. Yeah go ahead and laugh, cause I'm laughing with ya. But here...
Community, Mr.Growit. These ladies are looking great, day94, f42. I think. My grows seem to be getting better. Thanks guys. On April (4), -06. Flushed all ladies. In ph-6.8-7.0, ppm175
Harlequin- ph-6.74 ppm-741 & ph-6.70 ppm-733
White Widow- ph-6.73 ppm-718
Amnesia- ph-6.77 ppm-907
4-8-2021 Week12 day 96 f44. In ph-6.74 ppm-960
White Widow- ph-6.64 ppm-926
Amnesia-ph-6.60 ppm-827
Harlequin- ph-6.60 ppm-827 & ph-6.67 ppm-895.
Well I flushed, then I was skeptical about feeding nutrition. Looks like I have a few more weeks so I fed. The Harlequin is looking good, still clear. Week or two for her. See... See you all tomorrow with clone update. They sleeping...shushhhhh...quittt
Evening all, Mr.Growit. This evening we flushed these ladies out. My in water was ph-6.8-7.2 ppm 175.
Runoffs: harlequin-ph-6.74 ppm-741 & ph-6.79 ppm-733
White Widow-ph-6.73 ppm-718
Amnesia-ph-6.77 ppm-907
I'll be feeding week 12 foxfarm nutes, next feed. We are currently on day 94, flower days 42. Another few weeks, except for 1 harlequin.
Evening community, Mr.Growit. These lovely ladies are just a happily growing. I'm happy. So it's water night. Week11, 91days, flower days39. Never really do this,(empty out tent and give her a good wipe). Might be something i will to get used to doing.Can't hurt. Good way to inspect your plants for pests, and give a trim if needed. OK my runoffs are...
In- ph-6.94, ppm-960
White Widow-ph-6.64, ppm-968
Harlequin-ph-6.61,ppm-1120/ph-6.65, ppm-1090
Amnesia-ph-6.59, ppm-1090
Should just picture my notebook, but this keep it fun.
You all keep your ladies happily growing. Happy Easter. Stay safe...
The 7 Critical Mass CBD clones. Day 70 F 20. Feeding foxfarm nutrition currently week 10 today. No runoffs on these sisters. 1 gl is near perfect per feed every other day.I just flushed a couple weeks ago. So I will just adjust my ph at 6.5 first feed after flush. Then gradually increase my ph throughout the next few weeks, until I flush again. Then start back again at 6.5 after flush. Say I'll be week12 nutrition by then.'ll do this the remaining time of their beautiful stinky lives. Working out for me this way. ppm is not to high in the beginning anyway. Ok here they are...presenting...
Evening community, Mr.Growit. Here we are happily growing I hope. I'm liken thing around here. Everything seems OK. If you guys see something I don't, please say something. We are always looking to grow better,and stay consistent. Right... We'll here I am in week 11, day 86, flower days 34.
IN* ph-6.7 ppm 980
W.W* ph-6.49 ppm 1080
Harlequin* ph-6.62 ppm-991. Ph-6.70 ppm 903
Amnesia * ph-6.50 ppm 1060
So here we are... thanks community, Mr.Growit. Keep them happily growing. Good night.
Mr.Growit, community. Today we have the Critical Mass CBD clones. Just got their pots lowered. Day 65, 15 flower days at this time. Not getting any runoff on these. Just keep track of wtf I'm doing, and water as needed. Keeping it on the wet side. 1 gl is just right to water all these ladies, with just a few oz.s running out. Water almost every other day. Have a great day Green thumbs.
Matrix hmr 3000 hanging 18"@80%. Or about .
Evening. Tonight the Acapulco Gold is in its flush stage. Think she's about ready for the darkroom. Other four were flushed last night. So my next water will be a week 10 fulldose foxfarm. Day 76 overall, day 25 flower. A.Gold should hopefully be done in here.
Good day community, Mr.Growit. These 7 ladies are doing great. They are on day 60, day 8 of flower. Being fed foxfarm nutrition, currently in week 7. Due to the smaller pots, im having to water and flush more. So these just got flushed last week, so today was my second round of week 7.( not full doses)
Then we have the 7 CBD Critical Mass clones. Feeding week 6, daytime day 2 flower. Tonight the ladies had a trim and full pruning...
Mr.Growit, community. Good evening. I'm feeding these ladies week 9 foxfarm nutrition. Day 70 overall, day 19 of flower. Plants are looking awesome, but it's been hectic around this place. So just water, haven't had time to measure runoff,before it dried up the last couple waters, but it'll be ok. Things seem to be settling down some here. I'll get it next water. But look... A.G, she seems to be getting close. No hurry.
Community, Mr.Growit. Hope all is well. I'm doing great, plants are as well. Today I'm watering week 7(full dose). Day 10 of flower, 61 days from seed. Light is at 18", pulling 80%, 12/12 cycle. Rh is good. 50 to 65 in one tent,, 45 to 30 in the flower tent,, depending on the day. But pretty constant. I necessarily don't worry about the humidity, until it gets too hi...These ladies got a full cut.(trim, lollypopped,pruned what ever you want to call it.) Now just buds hopefully. Looking ok.... Critical Mass CBD entered its stage of 48hrs darkness.
2 harlequin- ph-6.58 ppm-1950, ph-6.43 ppm-2000
A.G- ph-6.62 ppm- 2030
WW- ph- 6.57 ppm-1990
Amnesia- ph- 6.71 ppm-2060
Critical Mass CBD (mama). Just before the light come on. In flush stage. Think she's about ready. Get a closer look later... looking, smelling very tasty. Light is from my flashlight.
Those are crystals. We can almost ski...
Can't forget about these babies. Critical Mass CBD clones#1, not sure if I'm going to continue. Wanna clone out my next harlequin. That works best for me, so far... Day 40, going into week 5. Might give it some tea, then flush numbers down,see where I sit. Then hit it with week 5. Beauties....
Mr.Growit, community good evening. Hope all is well. Going great here. Day 58 overall, day 7 flower, In-between week 6&7. Tea made, 3 gl batch. (3tbs cal-mag, 2.5 tbs micro tea, 3 Tbs molasses, 3.5 Tbs true cannabis.) Going in, ph- 6.16 ppm-883.
2 harlequin, ph-6.39 ppm-2230 & ph-6.51 ppm-1910
A.G, ph-6.61 ppm-2180
W.W, ph-6.65 ppm-1830
Amnesia, ph-6.70 ppm-1940.
What to do at week 7,? Hummm... See how they take the tea. Well, ladies and gentlemen until next time, happy growing. Good night!
Ladies and gentlemen of this great community,Mr.Growit good evening. Happily growing... These ladies are doing great. Watered them yesterday evening. Day 4 flower, 55 overall. Little dryer than I like. Got little runoff... In ph- 6.85, ppm- 1593
2 harlequin ph-6.65, 6.82. ppm- 2130, na
A.G- na
W.W- 6.84, ppm- 1907
Amnesia ph-6.97, ppm- 1950.
So the na's are no runoff.
Soo, im thinking im gonna make up a tea. Some molasses, True cannabis, etc... before I dive into week 7. And tonight these ladies got some trimming. Haven't really had a blade to these plants, only to top. So only took big fan leafs, opened up the center, most of the laefs growing inward. I'll take the bottom 3rd in week or so. See how they go. Then do a final trim after that. So here, I'll shut up. Good night all.
Evening all, Mr.Growit, all together again. Extremely happy ladies. Just got finished with a 52 day seedling/veg (18-6 cycle). This evening they awoke from there 36 hour coma, and a little super- cropping im off to the races. 12/12. Light (marshydro sp3000) hanging 24" @ 75%. Hung the light little high, due to the stretch. Day 1 flower. 2 harlequin, Acapulco Gold, White Widow, Amnesia.
Water day for these five ladies. Runoffs:
2 harlequin- ph-6.53, 6.41 ppm- 1671,1741
Acapulco Gold- ph-6.35 ppm-1828
White Widow- ph-6.67 ppm-1907
Amnesia- ph-6.51 ppm-206
Pics will follow when they all get together. Just waiting on this bitch to get the hell out of this tent.