Evening community, Mr.Growit. This is our next set. All feminized, 2 Blueberry, Acapulco Gold, White Widow, and an Amnesia. Germinated paper towel/ baggie method. The 2 Blueberry, Acapulco Gold come up (day 3). White Widow slasked off a couple days. So I soaked an Amnesia. When I went to plant the Amnesia, White Widow was up (day 2). Amnesia still looking for the heavens. Only wanted 4,but screw it right, take 5. Going to follow Mr.Growit's book (3rd addition).
Thanks guys and gals,

Water day for these five ladies. Runoffs:
2 harlequin- ph-6.53, 6.41 ppm- 1671,1741
Acapulco Gold- ph-6.35 ppm-1828
White Widow- ph-6.67 ppm-1907
Amnesia- ph-6.51 ppm-206
Pics will follow when they all get together. Just waiting on this bitch to get the hell out of this tent.