OK so growing photos in FF Ocean Forest soil and the runoff Ph after regular water is reading 5.3 - 5.5 on most of the plants. I'm about 3 weeks into veg and started feeding Cal-Mag every feeding. About 3-4mL per gallon of distilled water for each plant. The distilled water Ph itself is around 8.2. But after Cal-Mag the runoff is still only around 5.6 or so. Never in 6's. Shouldn't it be around 6.5 to even benefit from the nutes? Should I be using Ph Up to get the water + nutes to read around 9 Ph to start to get around 6.5 at runoff? Or am I figuring this the wrong way?
And second, should I even worry about using Cal-Mag or any other nutes at all using Ocean Forest during veg stage, or does it have everything I need to get to Flowering?
Plants do look good overall.

Hi, if you are using distilled water then adding CalMag is a good idea since distilled water contains no minerals.
Distilled water has a PH of 7 that gets lower the longer it is exposed to the air and adding CalMag should not affect the PH as far as I know.
Do not PH Up your water higher than 7 in an attempt to raise your soil PH. If it really is an issue then you should flush your soil with water PH'd to 6.8-7 but I don't think you need to do that just yet. I would first recalibrate your PH pen and double check everything.
Are there any actual problems showing up on your girls? They look good from the picture.
With just FFoF soil, Distilled water and CalMag you should not be having PH issues. Just keep an eye on the PH going in and don't stress about the runoff unless you start seeing problems with your plants.