Mr.Growit, community of green thumbs - good day. Well I think it's time to get my next grow started. These babies been in this method(baggie/paper towel) for a couple days,following their half day swim. Thought I would get these in soil this morning. Plan on cloning out the harlequin (continuous),and going from there. But off to the races.

Looks good, that purple kush is a climber isn't it.
Community, Mr.Growit. These ladies took to the soil well. Seems the ladies didn't miss a beat. I'm thinking since I'm using soil w/ nutrition I should keep track of the days of transplant, so I know where I'm at when it comes to making water nutrition. So today we sit...W-1,D-25,T-5. I fed 1gl. ph-6.75, ppm-485 going in with 1tbs cal-mag, 1tbs molasses. Watered towards the outer side of pots... no runoff at this present day. Going into their forever home soon, very soon.
Community, Mr.Growit. Good morning all. Well yesterday we transplanted. On this grow I'm using foxfarm oceans forest/happen Frog. A 50/50 blend. Then I added a little extra vermiculite and perlite. I have never used this stuff, from what I gather no nutes for 30-45 days. I've always just used stuff I mixed together, so I'm probably going to need some guidance. We'll see how it grows. So again I'm using my homemade 3gl air pots lined with weed barrier fabric. Guys/gals this really works great, easiest clean-up I've had. Today is day 21, week1 day 1 veg. My first water ph-6.5 ppm-435, no nutes, just water. I had added 3/4tbs cal-mag. Until next time, keep`em happily growing.
Marshydro ts1000 hanging 18" @ 40%.
Gah! Posted twice.. I hate that shat ☠️
Looking good! 👍
Mr.Growit, community. Hope all is well, and getting ready for the summer. My ladies are doing well. Previously I was feeding just distilled water. Today we decided to start giving them a little food, (Made 1gl of seedling/clone water) before they started asking. Like I said, ima try some of that foxfarm soil with these four. So I'm holding out on transplanting until I hopefully have room in my other/bigger tents. Marshydro ts1000 hanging 12.5" (currently), rh is low, temp could be warmer. I'll be ok... but they sit at day 15. In water,ph-6.84, ppm-294.
Good night Green thumbs.
Evening everyone, Mr.Growit. Babies on day 8 lookin great. Looks like the stretch is done. I'm not wanting to transplant these ladies in their forevery pots yet. They will be the 3gl pots, but I'm going to try 50/50 blend of foxfarm ocean& Frog. So I don't want to disturb the roots twice. We'll just see what happens. I should be ok with room.
Keep an eye on that stretch, you might wanna turn your light up a tad once they get going.
Lights up. Green Crack failed me. No worries. Day 4/seedling. Marshydro ts1000 at 12",@20-25%. Rh 50%-up. Being bottle fead with distilled water. Going to go with a 50/50 blend with the foxfarm soil. (Ocean Forest, happy frog). Maybe a few extras. Not sure, haven't open the bags yet. OK I'll shut up... still happily growing. Good night...
Ayyy a new grow! How exciting 🙂
Hope all the tap- roots are like this. Little long, but almost a guaranteed plant if I can keep me shit in line.