Look up Mr. Grow It's writeup on sulfur deficiency. Consider amending each pot with 1-2 cups of worm castings and watering it in thoroughly. Should fix the issue in a couple days.
Or grab something like this if it's more your style. It covers the main micros and even though sulfur isn't listed you can see that it's in there based on the compounds listed. Such and such sulfate means bound with sulfur essentially.
Look up Mr. Grow It's writeup on sulfur deficiency. Consider amending each pot with 1-2 cups of worm castings and watering it in thoroughly. Should fix the issue in a couple days.
Or grab something like this if it's more your style. It covers the main micros and even though sulfur isn't listed you can see that it's in there based on the compounds listed. Such and such sulfate means bound with sulfur essentially.