I appreciate anyones feedback. Mr. Grow It, I appreciate your channel and your book has been very helpful.
I'm new and learning however I do have one success under my belt. My first attempt, I successfully grew two plants (two different strains) where the yield for each was above average. Yes! Very proud and appreciative of all the info out there.
During my first grow cycle I took some cuttings to try cloning and was given a nice healthly plant (new strain) that was about 2 ft tall.
All of my cuttings turned out successful. I put them in a clone sprouted using distilled water, changing the water and cleaning the sprouted ever six days. After 4-5 weeks I moved them to soil (Happy Frog). All clones quickly grew plus absolutely happy and healthy. After 4-5 weeks I transplanted all clones to bigger fabric planters and switched the soil to Ocean Forest. I also moved to plants to a tent where humidity was 30-40%, temperature was 82, and I made the decision to put two lights in the tent.
I then left town. While I was away the plants did get watered.
When I returned, I found the big plant (new strain) was no longer green, all leaves were now light green. (I checked the soil pH = 6.1-6.3.)
The clones I cut where all showing different deficiency signs (imo mostly Ca-Mag).I recognize two lights was a mistake. (I likely over worked the plants.). Maybe the temperature was a bit too high. I suspect my biggest mistake was too much lighting.
I turned off one light and I'm started the plants with lighting of 20/4. My thought is to give them a 4 hour break. At the same time I have fed all the plants Nitrogen and Ca-Mag.
I am currently going to wait a week to see the change. (I will water once or twice w/o nutrients during this time).
Any productive feedback from above is appreciated.
My one question is, the big plant that has all light green leaves, what do I do? Leave the leaves as is or cut them all/some off? Will the light green leaves return to their normal dark green color?
Appreciate your time and feedback.
What type of water are you using?