growin in ffof 2 weeks before harvest ph in was 6.60 ppm in was 70 flushed 5 gallon pot with 3 gallon water ph runoff was 7.21 ppm was 1331 last watering on auto bruce banner ppm was 495 whats going on she looks great but trying to get ppm to 100 or less before harvest any help would be appreciated

I answered you on your other post but i'll put it here too. "Ok, well two weeks is plenty of time so no worries. Next time the soil dries out, you can flush again to help lower the PPM. Make sure you pH the water so the pH of the medium is between 6.0-7.0 (assuming you're in soil)"
Hi, nice looking girl! And a sexy bath tube pose too!
The PPM can go high when you start flushing and I think you just need to keep on flushing. 3 gallons is not that much for a 5 gallon pot, you probably want 6 or more. You should be able to get it close to whatever PPM your water is, Bro science says 600PPM is close enough for a good fade but don't quote me on that one, I just read that somewhere.