Noticed the pistils turning dark on this auto that's currently in week 1 of flower. The plant itself seems happy but not sure if this is something I should be worried about?
I haven't noticed it getting any worse in the past few days. This plant has just been a weird one, it was the first that spouted but is behind the others and the one I thought was the runt is now frosty and purple lmao
That was my initial thought or maybe my sleeve brushed while working in the tent. The plants are rotated around in the tent every day so they are never really in the same spot too long. None of the other plants have it just this one so if it was fans or from me touching them I would think it would show on the others as well. Do you think this will affect anything or should I not worry too much about it?
@couplethatgrows420 I wouldn't worry about it but you don't want it to continue to happen. Keep an eye on things to make sure it doesn't continue. There can be other things that can contribute to that issue but more info on your set up would be needed. Overall she looks pretty happy and healthy to me!
I haven't noticed it getting any worse in the past few days. This plant has just been a weird one, it was the first that spouted but is behind the others and the one I thought was the runt is now frosty and purple lmao
runs about 76F lights on and about 70F lights off. 55% RH
What has your lights on and also lights off temp been?
That was my initial thought or maybe my sleeve brushed while working in the tent. The plants are rotated around in the tent every day so they are never really in the same spot too long. None of the other plants have it just this one so if it was fans or from me touching them I would think it would show on the others as well. Do you think this will affect anything or should I not worry too much about it?
More info on your set up would help diagnose the situation. If there is a fan blowing directly at the plant or too close that can cause the issue.