I use bottled water or brita filtered. The PPM of these is between 80 and 200ppm (not good huh?).
Do PPM calculations include the source water? Like should I subtract that number first?
Also I have a 600W LED - have far should I keep it from my clones / seedlings (they are about a week and are doing good I just dont want to ruin them). Does anyone have chart or something that shows how close the light should be throughout the grow, by wattage?

Thanks this forum is great.
I agree with @gregthe357 , that's a great tip. Another indication that your plants are happy is if their leaves point up towards the light as if they are "praying". However, some plants droop down before lights off, droop down after being watered, and many also don't pray like that in flowering so don't use praying as an indication 100% of the time.
Hold your hand right at the top of of you plant and keep it there for 15 or 20 seconds, if it starts to feel warm to you then the plants will feel the same way. If not then you are golden.
@Mr. Grow It
Thanks for all the info, very helpful. I moved the lights in both tents to approximately 20" away. How can I tell when the light is too close, do the leaves turn colors, turn upward or downward, wilt, burn etc?? How can I tell when the light is too far away? Or asked another way, besides "healthy" looking plants (which can be subjective), how can you tell when the lights & nutes are "just right"?
That PPM for your bottled and filtered water isn't bad. My tap water comes out at 485 (for comparison). Yes, include that PPM in your total.
Which LED grow light do you have? Not all LED grow lights are created equal and your best bet is to look at their PAR chart or go by the manufacturer's recommendations. Wattage can be misleading when it comes to LED grow lights because some manufacturers list the "HID equivalent" instead of actual wattage.
BTW looking at your pic it looks like some plants are struggling a bit. My initial guess would be overwatering but we would need more info. Do you feel you have those plants under control or need guidance?