So I just transplanted my girls a few weeks ago into fabric pots. I’m getting a lot of run off from the side. Is that ok? It seems to be a lot… should I slow down watering? What can I do about this?
I like the previous response. I want some run off but not too much. I water what I think will give each plant some runoff and wait 30 mins. I continue to water the plants that dont have run off until they do.
Yes very slow. Water a 1/3 of what you uae wait for a few minutes add another third anjd follow that patter. It also sounds like your soil is right at the top this is also not the best thing to have wait a few feeds and then see if your soil has settled and if it hasn't maybe take an inch or two out all around the top.
I like the previous response. I want some run off but not too much. I water what I think will give each plant some runoff and wait 30 mins. I continue to water the plants that dont have run off until they do.
I am on an every 3 day watering cycle.
Yes very slow. Water a 1/3 of what you uae wait for a few minutes add another third anjd follow that patter. It also sounds like your soil is right at the top this is also not the best thing to have wait a few feeds and then see if your soil has settled and if it hasn't maybe take an inch or two out all around the top.