Last week I noticed brown spots on my leaves of my girl who wedged for way too long in a 10 gallon pot. She looks like she is two weeks away from harvest and I don't think I can do anything about it. But would like everyone's opinion on what it might be. Thank you in advance!

I haven’t been on the forum in awhile. Is this still an issue? If so, what is the pH and PPM of the soil runoff?
all your tips look burned turn down the furnace or you will loose some valuable canabs. etc. flower should be the time to slowly cool down your par a bit
It’s the beginnings of a micronutrient deficiency it looks like. Manganese would be my guess. Could be potassium but either way if you’re that close then continue with how you are going and it should fade out some.
If you going to flush, you can't do much as far as deficiencies, plants look healthy, I wouldn't stress over a few brown spots, as long as it's not everywhere.