Some of you may have noticed that there are no longer videos on my YouTube channel. Just to give you an update on what's going on... Last week YouTube took down 2 of my videos. I appealed the takedown but they upheld their decision. Tonight, another video got taken down. This disables my ability to upload. I've marked all of my videos private in order to prevent further damage. I have submitted another appeal. Not sure what's going to happen now.
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yeah YouTube has pulling alot of this shit over the past year or two // alot of other channels have been removed by them even though some have been around a long time or short time - did not matter on the sub amounts - from a couple i herd from was the total number of views and or likes that determined termination of channels - not to mention the amount of videos they yanked for virtually no reason or reasons - but their own for some sort of Law Breaking guideline they did not mention or put in their clause agreement
WEEDTUBE and here @ Mrgrowit are the new best places to get - gain - and learn valuable information as not one person will ever know all the tricks but a good majority will always find better ways and pass it on
30 years ago or so we had our first cellphones - today its a hand held computer phone
the Grow Community is the same way with it's many talented Individuals constantly working on making better strains or new ones !!!!
got ya Chris on the new go to place W - T - the today's Farmer !!!
Move to weedtube. YouTube is all over the Cannabis channels again unfortunately..
YouTube not looking at the legal perspective and business model. Youtube missing out on millions of dollars in advertising revenue. That's just solely on the cannabis community. I'm sorry Chris that freakin blows. Thankfully you have this amazing site. I hope they reinstate your channel just due to the fact we are not breaking any laws!!! Cheers man!
sorry to hear this!! are you able to put up those that are lost on this site?
That is Bull$hit.
Keep us posted. You have my full support.
This is such BS if you live in a state that allows you to grow.. Youtube needs to figure their sh*t out!